Each year, at the start of the holiday season, millions of people around the world send out Christmas cards. Despite this age-old tradition that some may see as outdated in today’s online-focused world, it is an opportunity to reconnect and personally recognize someone in a very special way. To make sure your card really stands out from the crowd, you should consider using higher quality stock paper. Not only does high-stock paper looks more professional and elegant but it also has multiple benefits for your business or cause. This article finds out exactly why you should consider printing your cards on higher quality paper.
- It Improves Their Aesthetic Appeal
The extra luxe texture of the higher quality paper not only adds aesthetic value to your cards but also helps bring out the vibrant colors and intricate designs – giving your cards a look that is both eye-catching and elegant.
- Makes Them Safe When Shipped
For many, it is simply a tradition to send out Christmas cards each year. However, there is a very good reason to print them on high-stock paper; namely, to ensure they reach their recipient in one piece! When mailed and bumped around during delivery, low-stock cards are more likely to arrive with bent or wrinkled corners – and that can really take away from their aesthetic beauty. With top quality paper, however, your card appears as pristine as when it left your hands. Therefore, if you want to make sure the receiver gets the best representation of the hard work you put into creating the card in the first place, opt for thicker stock that will keep them safe during shipping.
- Easy to Decorate
Printing holiday cards on high-stock paper makes this process even more rewarding, as it allows for a level of customization that can bring the entire design together. High-stock paper has the fortitude to handle decorations such as photos, ribbons, glitter, and golden thread without compromising its structural integrity. This is why Christmas cards should definitely be printed on high-stock paper so that creative decorators can customize their cards in the way they please.
- Durable and Longer Lasting
Shopping for Christmas cards can be an overwhelming adventure, especially when considering all the options. Sending out cards is a time-honored tradition for many families. It is important to have a card that looks its best and conveys the same sentiment from season to season. To ensure a longer lifespan, consider printing your Christmas cards on high-stock paper. High-stock paper offers much more durability than regular card stock and ensures your cards will not get damaged or tattered over the years. Not only will they last longer, but they will also look far better with a smooth finish; allowing you to maintain your holiday spirit year after year.
- Appears More Professional And Polished
While content is usually the biggest focus for many people sending out cards, it is important to not overlook the look and feel when deciding on the materials used. Printing Christmas cards on high-stock paper will ensure the quality looks professional and classy, rather than appearing amateur or cheap. Not only will this bring delight to those who receive them, but sending high-quality cards can also create a memorable brand impression that stays with recipients long after Christmas day has passed.
Christmas Cards for Businesses Should Be Printed On High-Stock Paper Too
Christmas cards have been around for centuries, and for businesses wishing to stay competitive, printing them on high-stock paper can help their customers feel appreciated. The high-quality paper has a professional, and more luxurious look compared to low-stock papers, making the company look approachable and successful. Moreover, cards printed on thicker cardstock tend to last longer and require less ink since they are already heavier. This can save the business money in the long run when it comes to ink expenses or reprinting costs due to card wear and tear.
Christmas cards are a wonderful way to share the festive spirit during the holiday season. A great way to make sure that your Christmas cards look their absolute best is by printing them on high-stock paper. Not only does this thick, sturdy paper lend a sense of luxury to your creation, but also it is able to withstand being bent or creased during mailing. Additionally, having high-stock paper means that intricate background patterns will not take away from the beautiful writing and artwork you have put into your card design. The effects become truly magical on higher-quality papers where colors pop and images remain crisp. Thus, it is clear why Christmas cards should be printed on high-stock paper: not only for aesthetic reasons but for practical ones as well.