Sending promotional materials to residential and commercial mailboxes used to be one of the most common, effective ways for businesses to reach an audience. You probably remember how full your mailbox used to be—and the amazing thing is, most people actually did look at the majority of material that came to their property. Before there were email codes and social media campaigns, direct mail was also one of the best ways for people to find deals and take advantage of special offers.
But all of that has changed, right? Is it fair to say that mass email marketing, Facebook, Twitter, and countless other “virtual” marketing channels have all but eradicated the need for direct mail marketing?
Actually, no. It’s not quite that simple.
Direct mail campaigns have remained relevant in recent years. Not only that, they’ve become compelling and relevant in a different way. Business still find results through direct mail marketing—in many cases, more so than other forms of virtual marketing.
Why is this the case? How could direct mail marketing still be relevant, when other marketing channels are so much easier?
The answer is relatively straightforward. People are saturated with virtual marketing, from email offers and Facebook posts to Tweets and RSS feeds. There is so much information fighting to get through our computers and smartphones and into our brains—in many situations, a piece of paper has more impact. In many cases, it’s much easier for a marketing message to fight its way through a physical mailbox than a virtual one.
All you have to do is look in your own mailbox. If you’re like many people, that mailbox is probably empty most days. Even if there are a few items there, it’s not nearly as congested as your email inbox.
There’s also the fact that direct mail outfits have sprung up (or stayed around) in cities and towns across the country—and even small businesses are using their services as part of their marketing strategies.
So the short answer is yes. Direct mail marketing is still relevant. The question is, how do you make your direct mail project relevant to the lives of your audience? The best place to start (after you do your own research on effective direct mailing techniques) is to get a reputable, qualified direct mail specialist in your corner. That means finding someone who can handle complex printing jobs, promotional items, mailing lists, and even graphic design/strategy if you need it.
Making Use of Direct Mail Marketing
If you’re a small, medium or large business trying to get your message heard, and you’re thinking of direct mail marketing as a feasible option to strengthen awareness of your brand and brand promotions, you want your decision to be based on evidence. Is direct mail marketing relevant or not? There are huge numbers of businesses out there who think so. That’s why they continue to market themselves using this medium—and that’s why you only work with the most qualified, expert direct mailing companies.
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