How Effective is Direct Mail in Marketing?

Direct mail entails a bespoke marketing idea where a letter or brochure is sent to existing or prospective clients. This entails physical mail, which is in stark contrast to digital marketing where everything is done virtually.

This has made it quite easy for many businesses to forget or negate the essence of direct mail as a useful tool in marketing. Many people are therefore very skeptical about its efficacy and are hesitant to incorporate it into their marketing strategy as it is deemed ancient and outdated.

What Benefits Come With Sending Direct Mail Postcards?

Amidst remarkable technological advancements, there is a widely entrenched and prevailing belief that digital marketing stands as the exclusive and paramount avenue for establishing meaningful connections with clients. Consequently, numerous business proprietors deem direct mail obsolete. Contrary to this perception, the reality is different, as direct mail remains a formidable marketing tool that businesses should persist in leveraging.

Direct Mail Vs Email Promotions

Man Opening The Mailbox

Ever since its introduction to mass consumers, there has been unending debate on whether email marketing is more effective than direct mail campaigns. Digital media supporters claim that direct mails are ineffective in the modern world. Instead, they would rather contact their customers using their preferred channels such as mobile, television, and social media. The … Read more

How Effective is Direct Mail in Marketing?

Urgent Notice Mail Critical Important Information Message Mailbox

This is quite good compared to other marketing methods like email and social media where messages remain unopened and are seen as spam. For direct mails, your message has to be seen and touched before a customer makes a decision. Additionally, opening direct mails has no risk compared to emails, which could lead to hacking … Read more

Should My Business Try a Direct Mail Campaign?

By now, the digital revolution seems like old news. So much of what we do these days revolves around digital devices and digital information – we hardly give it a thought anymore. Wi-Fi is available on flights, buses, in cars, and in countless public places. Business and advertising efforts are heavily focused on digital activity, … Read more