How Effective is Direct Mail in Marketing?

Urgent Notice Mail Critical Important Information Message Mailbox

This is quite good compared to other marketing methods like email and social media where messages remain unopened and are seen as spam. For direct mails, your message has to be seen and touched before a customer makes a decision. Additionally, opening direct mails has no risk compared to emails, which could lead to hacking … Read more

Top Direct Mailing Tips For Your Business

Direct Mail Advertising - Arrows Hit in Red Target.

Potential customers need to understand more of how your product or service will be of help to them rather than discussing only the features of what you are offering. A call to action is a great way to motivate prospects as it relates directly to your great offer. You can boost your return on investment … Read more

How Effective is Direct Mail?

Direct mail is one of the most profitable and effective ways to reach out to both new and existing customers or clients. It makes it easier to communicate with your target audience at a personal level, unlike other marketing campaigns where you do not know who receives your message and what they will do afterward. … Read more

Everything You Need to Know About Direct Mailing Lists and Why You Should Use Them

Direct mailing is all about sending offers and promotions to your potential customers. This form of advertising is quite beneficial to businesses because it helps their potential and existing customers learn about new products and services. Furthermore, it is a cheap form of marketing, as you already have customers’ addresses and you do not have … Read more

Direct Mailing Lists: Where Do They Come From?

By now, you’ve probably figured out that direct mail marketing isn’t going anywhere. The digital revolution changes a lot of things, and the way messaging and advertising are done will never be the same. But reaching customers in traditional, “non-digital” ways is still relevant. All you have to do is check your mailbox to know … Read more

How to Design a Successful Direct Mail Campaign

No matter what business you’re in, the metrics of success are ever changing. For example, Twitter didn’t exist twenty years ago. Now it’s an important aspect of business networking and communication. Online commerce has changed the way people do business in so many ways, and new technologies are constantly emerging. But there are some things … Read more

Why Does the Quality of a Mailing List Matter?

Have you ever looked in your mailbox, found a piece of promotional or “direct” mail, and simply tossed it away without giving it another thought? Of course you have – most of us have probably done this in the recent past. There’s so much information coming at us all the time, especially through smart phones … Read more