How to Make Your Direct Mail Campaign Stand Out

Even in the digital age, direct mail campaigns are still frequently (and successfully, in many cases) used to promote products/services and garner new client interest. So of the dozens of promotional mail that potential customers get each week, how do you plan to make yours stand out? There are a number of ways to ensure … Read more

What’s the Secret to Direct Marketing Success?

Let’s face it — people are constantly complaining about junk mail, both paper and electronic! But that doesn’t mean direct mail campaigns are no longer a viable way to get your message out there. Direct mailing can be a great way to reengage former customers and get new ones — but it needs to be … Read more

5 Promotional Items to Consider for Your Company

So you want to get your company’s name out there in a way that people won’t soon forget? Consider getting some custom printed promotional items. Sure, coffee mugs and pens are classic staples that have lasting appeal, but today there are dozens of other things that professional printers can put your company’s name and logo … Read more

What is the Right Balance Between Online and Direct Mail Marketing?

If you’ve been paying attention to the world of business lately, you know how important digital marketing has become. But you’ve probably also figured out that digital isn’t everything. In fact, as email inboxes (and cyberspace in general) have become more and more cluttered with people and companies trying to “get through the noise,” digital … Read more

3 Things a Disreputable Printing Company Might Say

When you look to a professional printer and/or direct mail marketing expert, you’re not looking for drama. You want dependable, professional results that have a real impact for your business. And yet, there are companies out there who can actually make things more difficult and arduous for their clients, costing time and money in the … Read more

What are the Most Common Document Formats for Printing?

When it comes to professional printing, there are tons of acronyms and terms used to keep track of all the different file formats. People who might be involved in a printing project — yet don’t really know much about the terminology — often wonder about the difference between various file formats. Are there times where … Read more

How to Maximize Your Mailing List Potential

When it comes to mail marketing, there are several components to what makes a successful campaign. What information are you distributing? How are your presenting your product? How often are you reaching out? At the end of the day, though, none of these things matter if your information isn’t reaching the right people. Choosing who … Read more

How Do I Know if My Direct Mailing List is Any Good?

Mass mailings have always been a tricky business — so why do businesses of all sizes keep at it, year after year? The answer is simple: When done right, sending a message directly to hundreds or thousands of people is an effective way to promote a business, product or service. If there were no history … Read more

The Difference Between Email and Direct Mail Campaigns

In many different businesses and industries, we’re seeing a “retrograde” trend toward more old fashioned ways of doing things. Just look at vinyl records. Ten years ago, you would have laughed at someone for holding onto those old records, let alone actually using a turntable to play music at home. Today, vinyl is once again … Read more

Is Your Printing Company is Next-Generation? How to Tell…

A huge percentage of modern businesses are still in need of print materials. Maybe it’s a promotional flyer, a company brochure, or a quarterly magazine that talks about issues facing the industry. Maybe it’s a direct mail marketing campaign designed to reach new customers (or win back old ones) over a wider geographical area. There … Read more